Let visitors directly contact the vendor about a product from the product page.

Allow your visitors and customers to contact vendors about the product from a product page with this module. This will let customers/visitors send an email inquiry to the vendor asking questions.

Show A Separate
Contact Form Right
Inside The Product Page

Allow Vendors to place a contact form separately in their product page so that customers can ask their questions directly from the frontend.

Easier Query Feature For
Old Customers

If any of your old customers have a query for any of the vendors, the system automatically detects their name and email, saving valuable time.

Don’t Be In The
Dark About Who
Asked The Question

Sometimes a new customer might forget to provide their contact details. This problem is easily tackled with the product enquiry module.

Everything Available
From The Frontend By
Enabling A Toggle Button

Once they go to the product page, your customer will see a separate tab for their queries. They won’t have to go to the backend of your site.